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Bowling Ball Release Discipline

By:, Originally Posted; 4/2/17; Updated: 1/8/21

As an advanced and talented bowler, it is extremely important to make sure you develop a consistent release technique.

Bowling ball release discipline is an essential part of the game for gaining a good ball reaction and to being able to “read” the lanes and align to the pocket and convert spares effectively.

Now, everyone knows that release means “let go!” In our case, you are letting go of your grip on the bowling ball.

The questions are when and how?

Your release must be made as consistently and precisely as possible shot after shot.

If you develop a repeatable release technique, you control your bowling ball skid distance and overall ball reaction. By repeating a sound release technique, any slight adjustment needed can be easily made.

The moment you release your thumb from the ball must be as close to the same time relative top your fingers exiting the ball every shot so you gain this consistency of ball skid distance control which, in turn, produces a good overall ball reaction you seek.

The moment of release is a trigger movement. Your thumb exits the ball slightly before your fingers apply a rotational movement. The rotational movement of your fingers produces the rotation of axis and tilt your standard technique uses.

If your moment of release varies too much, that is to state that if your trigger movement varies too much, your finger rotational movement also varies. Additionally, the angle of entry your ball enters the lane surface varies as does the distance beyond the foul line your ball first contacts the lane surface varies.

The moment of release, therefore, is critical to producing a consistent ball skid distance and gaining a reliable ball reaction.

If you must spend time working on physical components of your game, work on your moment of release technique.

Feel the moment your hand exits your bowling ball and develop an awareness where your where your hand leaves the ball in relation to the bottom of your forward swing arc.

The length of your sliding bowling shoe is a great reference point to feel your release occur. This endeavor requires practice and awareness in developing the feel of when and how you let go of your ball.

A factor which can assist you in developing the feel you need to release your ball on time, every time, is ball speed control. By establishing a good swing tempo, your job of governing your ball speed at the moment the ball leaves your hand becomes a doable task. Coupled with the speed of your steps and of your swing movements, you can establish a basic ball speed every time you release your ball. This speed control notion is part of controlling your ball skid distance. Also, good speed control makes your task of releasing your ball effectively and on time very possible. Bowling ball release discipline is critical in building a winning game.


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