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Bowling And Winning
Publish Date: 10/2/15

Bowling and winning are a matter of a few little things. Every highly talented player has to depend on a few small keys to his or her game to be successful.

Bowling is a game of physical adjustments, adjustments on the lanes, and with equipment.

To stay sharp, you must pay attention to a few important matters regarding your approach and your delivery technique.

When your game gets a bit out of sorts, as a talented and experienced player you learn to go to your checklist of physical game adjustments and monitor key areas of footwork, swing, posture and balance, releasing action, and your form at the foul line.

You may have to change your ball speed slightly or your loft distance. You may have to change your release slightly to alter your ball reaction.
These type of changes are physical game changes and are ones all top tier players monitor to keep their games at a peak level of performance.

Other adjustments are needed based on what you see such as your ball reaction becoming less than predictable. Adjustments to alter your ball reaction can vary from the given delivery angle you choose to where you sight on the lane as a target, or perhaps sometimes with the oil pattern breakdown or carry down combination.

Changes in equipment are also adjustments. It is important to know when to switch bowling balls. It can also be advantageous to use another pair of bowling shoes when approaches get very sticky or slippery, or when you need to add bowling tape or adjust your wrist support device.

Knowing when and if you should re-rack the pins is another decision you make while in competition.

Blocking out mental distractions is a tool you can use to stay in the moment and give yourself the best chances at making good shots.

Adjustments come in many ways so you are able to keep your game on track and to produce positive results. The little things can add up to big differences in score.

The important thing is to not panic in competitive events but rather use these small adjustment keys you have developed as effectively as possible.

Small yet subtle adjustments can be what you need, as example, to restore a good ball reaction and to improve your overall shotmaking.

Keep things simple. Pay attention to details when bowling under competitive pressure and when making adjustment decisions.

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