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Bowl Your Own Game

By:, 5/23/17

Updated 10/16/2020

Bowl your own game. Know your game inside and out before attempting adjustments when competing in leagues or tournaments.

Too many bowlers try and tackle a style or a technique they have seen other bowlers use successfully and become less effective than if they used their own style.

Develop your game and get good at it. In doing so, your chances for long range success improves.

If you must adjust, use only the adjustments you have proven to work in the past.

Avoid making adjustments in your physical game technique unless you have proven you can make the given adjustment work.

Not every bowler is blessed with an ability to overcome any situation he or she faces in competition. Changing lane conditions, as example, are a challenge in adjusting to restore an ability to hit the pocket consistently.

If you try to use a technique you have yet to use, your chances of it working are in doubt.

Trust your own game and time-tested skills when facing spontaneous decisions during competition.

Changing your bowling ball delivery angle, as another example, can be done successfully by making only minor alignment adjustments with your body and with your aim point and feet positioning and then trusting your decision and focus on make a good shot.

There is no need to try and deliver your bowling ball at a much faster or slower speed than you can comfortably control.

There is no need to adjust your approach tempo and speed up or slow your swing or steps just to change speed and revs on the ball unless you are well practiced at doing so.

Avoid abandoning your best game skills in an ongoing search for the perfect adjustment or series of adjustments. Have your bowling ball equipment ready for use and learn when to make ball changes if subtle adjustments you typically depend on fail to work completely.

Remember, perfection is just not possible. Settle for consistency and avoid getting ahead of yourself. Try and find the “cruise groove” where you deliver your ball at the same speed and with the same release technique repeatedly and then line up and bowl.

Establish a pre-shot routine which not only prepares you to perform certain physical game movements and alignment strategies but also to helps you to relax and begin your approach smoothly and with balance each shot you make. It is vital to prepare to bowl both mentally and physically instead of rushing onto the approach in a hurry to get a strike. Regardless of how anxious or nervous you may feel, recognize that you can make the same physical movements and relax your body before beginning any given shot. Relax and bowl your own game.


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