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Bowl Effectively

By:, 1/13/16

To bowl effectively is to have a basic and simple set of checkpoints regardless of your skill level. As a top player, there are given keys to your game which should be kept tuned and ready for use in important competition.

Simplicity is one of these keys. In bowling, simplicity means to avoid cramming unnecessary thoughts in your mind during competition.

Effective bowling is merely the ability to use your strengths to an advantage and to trust and rely on your skills when it counts most.

The notion of simplicity relates directly to trust. Trusting in your game skills and focusing on playing the oil pattern sensibly and on making quality shots trumps trying to be a perfectionist.

No player is perfect or makes perfect shots every time. Believe in the knowledge that you can be successful bowling at 80% to 90% of your capability if you trust your talent and keep your mind uncluttered.

Bowl effectively by trusting and using the trigger points of your game which you have practiced and developed over the course of time.

Concentrating on making one good shot at a time and making good decisions in playing the lanes is a process successful players master.

You can easily derail your game by trying to think of physical mechanics through each step of your approach while you bowl in competition.

Focus on a good starting trigger and on a well balanced finish releasing your bowling ball down your intended delivery path angle. Stay locked in on your sighting target during this process.

Any additional or extraneous thoughts while under duress can only lead to complicating matters and possibly to an errant delivery.

Work on the important aspects of your game in practice and then trust your instincts and your skills during competition, that is the trick of simplicity in bowling.

This concept of paying most attention to the game beyond the foul line will de-emphasize the pressure of making quality shots and place greater focus on playing the lane conditions effectively.

Performing well when under pressure is key to winning. Since there are many reasons why bowlers experience pressure to perform to a high standard, if you bowl effectively you will maximize your talents when they are most needed. Keep it simple.

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