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Ask Bob (September 2015) - How Often Should You Buy A New Bowling Ball? 9/16/2015

by Bob Korth - Stars & Strikes Newsmagazine

Q. How often should I buy a new ball?

A. There is a different answer to this question for everybody. If you are a once a week bowler and keep up ball maintenance (cleaning after use) the ball will be fine for at the very least a season or two even three. If you bowl more than that and even weekend tournaments you might only get only one season out of a ball. There is another factor some reactive cover stocks soak up oil faster than others. They require more maintenance than others and will die quicker. My rule of thumb is if the ball stops hooking like it did when new or quits carrying then I take it in for a thorough cleaning and resurface. Have the pro shop remove as much oil as they can then sand and refinish the ball. That will usually get it close to when you first got it. This will last for a few months. If for some reason you still feel it isn't working donate it to the juniors and buy a new ball.

Q. I have been bowling recreationally for several years but have recently taken more of an interest and am joining a league. My timing is good but I always seem to drop the ball with a loud thud. This seems to cause me to not have much accuracy and affects the roll on the ball. What would your advise on this problem?

A. First I would get to your local pro shop as fast as you can. Have them check your ball to make sure the grip is proper. You can't bowl correctly with a bad fit. Then once that is fixed take a lesson or six from a qualified instructor. This is to make sure your timing is what you think it is. Many times it feels good to us but truthfully is not very good. Lessons are not expensive and last a lifetime.

Q. I am joining a league this season for the first time in many years. All of my equipment is old and out of date. What ball would you recommend for a bowler coming back to the sport? I used to average in the 190's.

A. All manufacturers make very good equipment today so they will all make a ball that will fit your game. Because I am a member of Roto Grip's amateur staff and I believe in the company's products, I use Storm or Roto Grip bowling balls for my game exclusively. I believe they make the best and most reliable bowling balls on the market today. So go to your pro shop ask them to watch you bowl and they can determine which of the different balls they make will work best for your game. With both of these company's there will be several to choose from. By the way don't forget to purchase a spare ball. In the past a spare ball was not necessary but today it is a necessity.

Article was posted with permission from Stars & Strikes, America's Bowling Newsmagazine.

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