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A Follow Through Bowling Tip

Originally Posted: 4/12/17; Updated: 11/2/2021

If you are seeking a follow through bowling tip, you likely are losing balance at the foul line or not completing your swing properly, or pulling your ball inside your intended target.

Any of these issues, and perhaps others, are challenges you definitely need to overcome.

One time tested follow through tip for one hand bowlers regardless if you are a straight ball player, have a modest hook, or are a power player is to reach up, not reach out.

No matter how high your follow through ends up, it is important to not allow your swing to extend well beyond the foul line where your head and shoulders are pulled forward and you lose balance.

Reach up, not out.

If your arm is 40 inches in length, as example, try not to make it 50 inches.

You get the idea.

Reaching so far beyond the foul line promotes excessive bending at the waist where your head and shoulder move beyond the vertical plane of the foul line and you lose both leverage and balance while you are releasing your bowling ball.

Allow your forward swing movement to follow through after releasing your ball in an upward arc motion with the bottom of your elbow reaching at least shoulder level or higher.

It is always advised to never decelerate your forward swing. This does not mean to follow through with a violent thrusting movement and pull yourself off balance.

Simply swing up, not out.

Swing loosely and swiftly and follow through aggressively without losing your balance. Walk with your upper body as stationary as you can while swinging and releasing your ball. Keep your head void of movement to enhance good body balance. Balance coupled with consistent tempo of your swing and steps leads to reliable shotmaking and good scores.


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