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Your Bowling Masterpiece, Originally Posted: 9/1/2014; Updated: 9/24/2022

What is your bowling masterpiece?
Perhaps a perfect 900 three game series would be the masterpiece you hope to attain. Perhaps your first and only 300 game would be your personal masterpiece?
Your interpretation of a masterpiece bowling performance may be the highest series you have ever bowled. Another masterpiece performance could be a tournament victory you have previously experienced.
Another masterpiece performance might be a clutch bowling outing to win your league or set up your teammates to win a league.
Not every bowler is gifted enough to attain the very top levels of performance in the game as many professional bowlers have experienced.
There are undoubtedly times when you rolled a good series and made super shots throughout this series but the final score did not match your personal best. The scoring system in bowling does not reflect the quality of shots made but rather how your strikes are grouped and how many open frames you avoid.
Performing to a high standard requires you be at your best both physically and mentally in a meaningful competition. You need not be in perfect form to achieve a super score but you must bowl resourcefully.
The old and familiar term “dead stroke” has been used for decades in bowling and specifically refers to being in perfect motion with a steady temperament throughout a complete session on the lanes.
When your spirit and your physical game work together, good things happen on the lanes.
Only on occasion does one perform virtually perfectly. This state in bowling happens but is not something any of us can count on often.

Truth be told is that your brain is the real key to getting your physical motion working effectively. If you are relaxed, thinking well, and are confident in your abilities to deliver effective shots, then you stand a chance to achieve commendable scores.
High scores are relative for each bowler. If you are averaging 170, as example, then a 650 three game series is a high scoring performance. Bowlers who average 220 would consider a 650 series a sub-par performance.
Your bowling masterpiece may still lie ahead. It is that dream of a wonderful performance which motivates bowlers to continue in the game and to try and get the most out of their abilities.
What is your bowling Masterpiece? That answer lies within you.
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