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Tune Your Bowling Tempo

By:, Originally Posted: 1/18/17; Updated: 2/3/21

When you feel your timing is a little off, then tune your bowling tempo.

Timing is commonly referred to in bowling as the movement relationship between the swing and steps during the approach.

When your swing and steps move at the same pace, your timing is good and you stand your best chances of bowling well.

A simple technique to tune your steps and swing is to bring your overall tempo to maximum movement power and then throttle back about 10% of your top speed.

Never deliver your bowling ball at your top speed unless you can keep good balance and unless your top speed is not so hard that you cannot control your ball reaction and pinfall.

The trick is to establish your top effective ball speed without losing balance during your approach or at the critical moment you release your bowling ball at the foul line.

In doing so, you regulate your swing tempo so it is the same, or nearly the same, each succeeding shot.

Then back down your speed of steps where you retain good body balance and can reproduce walking your intended path to the foul line repeatedly.

By doing this, you will regulate your walking tempo.

Synchronizing your swing and walking tempo builds an overall smooth, consistency, and well timed movements when you bowl.

This means that you will bowl using about 90% of your full power so you retain bowling ball skid distance control and, correspondingly, gain a reliable ball reaction.

Your goal is to repeat quality shots and in doing so, your approach tempo will fall into a consistency of motion.

Tune your bowling tempo by tuning both your steps and your swing to work in unison each time you bowl.

Another factor in tuning your tempo is to gain good balance when you walk and swing your bowling ball. Using a good bowling posture and reducing wasted movement with your upper body as you bowl is the backbone of good balance. Reducing your head movement to a minimum when walking and swinging the ball will help stabilize your approach and lead to improving your body balance.


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