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Time Tested Bowling Tips

By:, Originally Posted: 8/6/17; Updated: 12/29/20

If you are considering finding tips to perhaps help your game, try a few time tested bowling tips which apply to all bowlers today.

Many useful tips today seem to revolve around modern bowling ball technology and to the ball reaction you attain from selecting given coverstocks and using given drilling layouts.

Regarding your physical game, many techniques used by skilled players years ago still can be relevant today. (Sometimes sticking to the basics is key!)

The first thing to remember is that not every tip, old or new, helps every bowler.

You may have to experiment in practice before using any new technique during competition unless you strongly feel you can adapt to slight changes on the spot.

Here are tips you may have run across before but somehow may have overlooked as being effective today:

*Before you get physical, get mental. Your pre-shot routine should not be taken for granted.

Before bowling, plan your work behind the approach so you can work your plan when you step onto the approach preparing to bowl.

Visualization is the new “think positive” technique. See it, feel it, then trust you can do it. Take a deep breath, and bowl.

*Precise trigger moment in beginning your swing.

Bowlers tend to think of their swing as the backswing movement or the forward swing movement when the release occurs.

The first movement of your swing must be sequenced in time with your steps. Whether you advocate early timing, late timing, or somewhere between, you must be precise in initiating the first movement of the bowling ball relative to your steps.

*Swing - the activity during your swing movement means how relaxed and free of muscle tension you allow in your bowling arm, legs, neck area, and your bowling shoulder.

You need not be a limp, “spaghetti noodle” when swinging your bowling ball but you also want to avoid being extremely tense where you restrict any freedom of movement throughout your swing cycle.

*Release - many tips you hear about or learn today revolve around your release technique and how much power you generate when releasing your ball.

The one tip constantly overlooked is developing feel in releasing your ball at the same precise moment relative to your sliding shoe and during your forward swing repeatedly.

Develop a consistent moment of release.

*Take dead aim - no tip at any time in the history of bowling is more important than taking dead aim at your visual aim point on the lane.

Dead aim implies both a mental commitment to hitting your target and a physical commitment to allow it to happen.

Certainly your practice time is when you work on your game and any new physical technique changes.

You need time to develop trust and confidence in your game techniques.

If you wish to try one or more of the above mentioned time tested bowling tips, begin thinking about them right away and plan to implement them to help your game during competition.

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