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Successful Bowling Results

By:, 3/1/16

Successful bowling results come from trusting your game, making clear decisions when playing the lanes, choosing the right bowling ball and from keeping it as simple as possible when bowling in competition.

Simple thoughts in competition lead to the best results. Avoid allowing too many thoughts about your game to clutter your mind.

Avoid thinking through each and every movement of your bowling approach.

Efficiency is a key to your game.

Rely on your skills and trust your instincts when you need to make decisions or adjustments to your game to attain a favorable ball reaction.

Trust is the must when you are bowling in pressure situations. Keep your mind clear and focused only on making one good shot at a time.

Instead of thinking of every movement, simply make a good start, a good finish, and between focus on hitting your sight target.

Play the lanes, the game in front of you. Place most emphasis on your ball reaction and how to make reliable and sensible adjustments proven to have worked for you in the past.

Focus on hitting your sight target and carefully watch your bowling ball travel down the lane, observe the ball motion, and watch the pins until your ball clears the deck.

By watching your ball motion carefully you can and will make good decisions if and when to change equipment.

Since the most important factor in gaining a reliable ball reaction is your ball surface texture, pay attention to how your ball transitions down the lane and if a ball surface change can improve your ball reaction.

Your drilling layout is also an important factor when considering a ball change during competition. It helps to be well practiced with each of your bowling balls so any change of equipment is not foreign to your expectations.

Your subconscious mind will monitor your physical game because you have trained it to do so during past competitive performances and during practice.

This concept of paying attention to the game beyond the foul line will de-emphasize the pressure and place greater focus on playing the lanes effectively which, in turn, leads to good shots.

Keep it simple while you bowl. Retain an even temperament through the highs and lows of competition.

Successful bowling results stem from planning, practice, and performance. Do your work during practice and trust your judgement and your skills when it counts most.

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