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Stay In Form And Follow Through With Your Bowling Swing

By:, Originally Posted: 2/19/16; Updated: 12/16/2023

Stay in form and follow through with your bowling swing.

If you are averaging less than 175 and are working to improve your game, particularly when bowling under pressure, avoid raising up with your head and shoulders as you slide and release your bowling ball.

The strategy here is to stay in form and to not straighten your legs as you slide and deliver your bowling ball. Keep your spine angle in place until your ball has left your bowling hand.

By remaining in an athletic posture as you release your ball, it becomes much easier to complete your follow through swing motion and not decelerate the forward swing.

Ball speed control is a vital part of getting a good ball reaction. If you develop reliable technique in making a full and complete follow through each shot without raising up at the foul line, your chances of regulating your ball speed and your skid distance control improves.

It begins with good posture in your set-up position on the approach and retaining the same spine angle throughout your approach and delivery.

Keeping your head as motionless as possible while walking and swinging your ball is a big help to being in good position sliding into the line and releasing the ball.

The objective is to be in a stable and balanced position at the moment you release your ball. Accuracy and ball skid distance controls depends on releasing your ball from a well balanced body position.

Finish your swing. Follow through toward your sighting target.

Cutting your follow through short and forcing your delivery only leads to inconsistent ball speed, poor hand action when releasing the ball, and to accuracy issues.

When you shut off your follow through motion, your forearm muscles and hand tend to tighten and grab at the ball causing a poor and unreliable release.

Maintain good body body posture and follow through. These two simple tips can help you improve as a shotmaker in competition.

Stay in form and follow through with your bowling swing.

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