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Spare Time Bowling

By:, Originally Posted: 4/19/17; Updated: 1/2/2024

If you are a new to the game or have recently taken it seriously, then try some spare time bowling.

Any new bowler can be seen to be pleased when he or she rolls a good game score. Rarely will we see a new bowler comment that his or her form was good even if the game score was a poor one.

Everyone likes to win, to do well. It is no different in bowling.

One sure way to see your scores rise is to develop a reliable spare shooting system and practice converting spares. The more routinely you can pick up spares, you will have improved your accuracy and because of this, you will get more strikes too.

Here are a few random tips for shooting spares:

*Use a ball which is not constructed to hook much such as a plastic ball for spare shooting.

*Plastic bowling balls favor slow ball speed players because they tend to hold their line longer than bowling balls made with a surface which creates a good deal of traction on the lane.

*Seek a reliable system for adjusting to spares. Take at least one bowling lesson from an instructor to develop a simple system to adjust across the lane for various spares.

*Align the front portion of your bowling shoulder with your aim point. Maintain this shoulder alignment throughout your approach and delivery movements and then release your ball and follow through toward your aim point.

*Walk your lines. From every position on the approach, walk the same line when shooting spares.

*If you walk in a perfectly straight line for strikes, do the same for any spare even if you must move laterally across the approach floor.

*If you drift slightly to the right or left, do the same on spares so you can count on the same walking lines for any spare or strike, only lateral alignment positioning adjustments to the left or right side of the approach.

*The closer the spare is to the center of the lane, your adjustment is less than spares located on the corners of the pin deck.

*Spares on the left, move right. Spares on the right, move left.

*A good guide for spares is to use the reliable 3-6-9 system for adjusting to spares until you develop a slightly more advanced adjustment system.

Move either 3 boards, 6 boards, or 9 boards left or right depending where the spare is located in relation to the center of the lane.

Use your strike aim point at all spares with this basic 3-6-9 spare system. As your game develops and you become an increasingly more accurate bowler, you can modify this system and tailor it to your delivery style.

Spare shooting is an essential component for good scoring. Consult with an experienced instructor to learn more about aligning to spares. Developing a reliable system for adjusting to any spare on the lane. Use a ball which gives you consistent ball motion. Walk your lines and swinging your ball toward your target. These are the factors which contribute to improved spare shooting and to higher bowling scores. Challenge yourself to improve your spare skills.


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