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Perform Under Bowling Pressure By Blocking Out Distractions, Originally Posted: 1/2/2015; Updated: 7/23/2022

Most bowlers will never know what it is like to have an important shot to win a PBA Tour event, nor will they ever know the feeling that their next putt could be worth several thousands of dollars.

That doesn't mean, however, that average bowlers don't feel pressure on the lanes during competition.

Here are a few tips to help the next time you start feeling the pressure mount over an important shot during your league or tournament:

Breathe - When the pressure builds, anxiety starts to overcome even the most seasoned veterans.

Your first defense to calm those nerves is to breathe properly.

You want to make sure you are breathing deeply and using your diaphragm to fill your lungs with air.

This will get more oxygen in your brain and help calm you down. Imagine filling your stomach with air as you take a breath to make sure it is getting into the bottom of your lungs.

Block out distractions - This is sometimes referred to as “getting in the zone.”

Unfortunately, “the zone” isn’t a place we can always go on command.

When you are able to ignore distractions going on around you, whether it’s 1,000 spectators or your fellow teammates, you can bring yourself closer to getting in the zone.

Block out distractions by placing all of your attention on your routine.

Stick to your routine - Successful bowlers all have routines.

No two routines may be exactly the same from player to player, but good players rarely change their routine in the middle of competition.

Spend extra practice time polishing your routine by going through it over and over.

Change the parts you don’t like and stick with the parts of the routine you do like.

Then be sure to stick with it on the lanes facing pressure bowling situations.

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