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Patience Leads To Bowling Accuracy

By:, Originally Posted: 12/20/16; Updated: 2/9/21

In an effort to get that key strike in close competition, remember that patience leads to bowling accuracy.

In key situations, trying to pick up more ball speed or additional revs can lead to hurried steps and perhaps a hurried, forced swing movement.

The result is often a terrible transition from backswing to the downswing (forward swing) which, in turn, can lead to forcing your release and ending up with a poor shot.

Patience leads to accuracy.

When you get too quick, your steps and swing struggle to retain a synchronized movement. When the swing and steps work together, you enjoy good timing and consistency with your shotmaking.

Here are a few tips to “pure” your swing motion:

*Focus on completing your backswing fully and void of muscle tension.

*Retain consistent cadence with your steps so your approach tempo works together with your swing tempo.

*Allow your momentum of your steps to increase gradually with each successive step.

*Avoid grabbing at the bowling ball at the top of your backswing but rather allow your ball to make a smooth transition into the forward swing.

*Allow sufficient time for your hand to release your bowling ball the same way and at the same time relative to your sliding step every shot you make.

When bowlers force their delivery and use muscles to try and “jack up the revs”, accuracy often suffers.

The world’s best players use techniques to develop a repeatable delivery style and do not simply rely on brute force with no regard for consistently or for good timing.

Avoid falling into the trap of losing your patience when things are not going your way in competition. Instead be disciplined enough to focus on one shot at a time and repeating an effective approach tempo. When you achieved good bowling tempo, your ball reaction becomes consistent and your ability to “read the lanes” and align to the pocket becomes a relatively easy task.


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