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One Style Of Bowling

By:, Originally Posted: 4/29/17; Updated: 10/27/2021

If you can develop one style of bowling and get very good at it, your chances for long range success in the game becomes realistic.

If you must change, then use small or subtle adjustments to your game for when they are needed as opposed to radical or wholesale changes where you risk making good shots in competition.

Use one style of bowling and get good at it.

Rely on one basic style of game and then pivot to subtle adjustments as needed.

Not every bowler is blessed with an ability to become an effective power player one game and a “stroker” the next.

Wearing too many bowling hats can become confusing when you need to make spontaneous decisions when bowling “under the gun.”

Changing angles of attack when you are trying to align to the pocket, as example, can be done without any real change to your style or delivery scheme.

If you try and make adjustment after adjustment to no good end and your ball reaction remains suspect, then choose your most reliable bowling ball and select an angle of attack you feel allows you to grind out scores and remain competitive.

Avoid abandoning your best game skills in an ongoing search for the perfect adjustment or series of adjustments.

Perfection is just not possible. Seek settling into a groove where your tempo is most consistent, simplify your process, and focus only on making a good shot.

One such basic technique you (and every bowler) must develop is an approach tempo where the pace of your steps matches the tempo of your swing with the result being good timing and, very importantly, good ball speed control. The challenge all experienced and talented bowlers face is allowing the anxiety of competitive moments produce inconsistent shots. If you work to develop one repeatable pace of bowling by “zeroing in” on repeating this stable tempo, you stand an outstanding chance of success. Trust your one style of bowling and rely on what you know you can do and have proven to work well in the past and avoid being a “jack of all trades, master of none.”


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