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Maintain Good Bowling Form

By:, Originally Posted: 4/16/16; Updated: 4/1/2022

Maintain good bowling form when in competition.

There are a few simple keys to help you execute quality shots when bowing under the pressures of competition to give you the best chances in making good shots.

First, get your practice in and avoid long lapses from bowling.

If you are struggling to retain good bowling form, here are a few reliable tips to follow:

*Avoid raising up with your head and shoulders as you slide and release your bowling ball.

*Keep your spine angle in place until your ball has left your bowling hand.

*Avoid sudden bending forward at your waist or pulling up and out of the shot with your upper body just prior to releasing your bowling ball.

*Stay in form by not straightening your legs and losing knee flex as you slide and deliver your bowling ball.

*Strive to deliver your bowling ball at close to the same speed each shot. In doing so, you will improve your chances at gaining consistent ball skid distance control.

*Avoid decelerating your forward swing. Make a full and complete follow through each shot.

*Key your thumb exiting your bowling ball at the heel of your sliding shoe and as closely to the same moment from shot to shot. By doing so, you will develop a ball skid distance and loft distance control for consistent a ball reaction.

*Establish an athletic posture in your set-up position and work to retain the same spine angle throughout your approach and delivery.

*Keep your head as motionless as possible during your approach.

*Keep a sharp eye on your sight target on the lane.

Strive to achieve a stable and balanced body position at the moment you release your ball.

Accuracy and ball skid distance controls depends on releasing your ball from a well balanced body position and at the same moment relative to your sliding step from shot to shot.

Maintain good bowling form, get in purposeful practice, and relax as much as possible when you are bowling in competition.

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