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Improving Your Competitive Bowling Game

By:, Originally Posted: 9/19/16; Updated: 1/26/2022

If you are seeking to improve your competitive bowling game, make sure you pinpoint specific goals and develop a practice plan to attain these goals.

Identify a specific area in your game you wish to work on first with the knowledge that if you are successful improving your technique, your competitive game will improve.

Goals in bowling are hard to attain. Build a plan for key areas in your game. Pick one area first and work on the things you need to do to find the level of improvement you seek.

Don’t complicate your goals; keep your plan simple and to the point before beginning to do the work it takes to accomplish your goal.

When setting goals in bowling, people will generally set themselves up for failure. Not only do their goals lack specificity, they typically have no deadline or accountability by the bowlers who set these goals.

In short, before setting goals, make sure you know how to actually achieve them.

Improve your performance on easy and difficult lane conditions. If this is your goal, you would be practicing on long, short, and lightly and heavily blended, oil patterns.

You also must find bowling ball coverstocks and surface textures (including drilling layouts) which will match with the challenging conditions you face in competition.

When you have a specific goal like this, you create an excellent focus for your range of lane condition skills, including identifying the specifics of the given oil pattern.

Enlist a professional bowling instructor or coach to help you learn as much as you can about oil patterns so you can build adjustments as part of your game and trust in using them as needed.

Avoid overlooking your pre-shot routine which is the basis of developing both a sound mental and physical game.

Repeat your pre-shot routine on every shot. This is an actual mental game management goal that can be worked out on the practice lanes when scores do not count and will make a big difference in your performance.

Establish realistic goals you can achieve and not so lofty of goals that the likelihood in reaching them is very bleak.

Get into an improve physical conditioning state before you face a series of competitive events. Set a fitness goal and get to work on it.

In addition to identifying goals, write them down and post them somewhere that you see them often. Writing down goals crystallizes your thoughts and your thoughts will motivate you to action. Use your practice plan to develop specific practice times and specific areas of your game you wish to focus on each practice session. Improving your competitive game requires time and the energy to work until you achieve each attainable goal.


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