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If My Bowling Ball Stops Hooking, Should I Buy A New Ball?

Originally Posted: 8/23/15; Updated 2/11/2024

If you are wondering if my bowling ball stops hooking, should I buy a new ball, then there may be other factors you need to consider.

Hold off jumping into buying another new ball until you are sure you have taken advantage of maintenance techniques available to you to restore the coverstock surface texture and improve ball traction.

Modern coverstocks require maintenance to provide a consistent and reliable ball reaction.

Although these high tech bowling balls in today’s market are somewhat pricey, you must also invest your time and money in taking care of the coverstocks surfaces if you wish to expect getting the ball reaction you are used to seeing.

Change your pattern of simply putting your bowling ball back in your bag after you bowl without cleaning the ball surface of oil or dirt first. Instead, use a cleaning kit like the Total Abralon Resurfacing & Cleaning Kit to keep your ball game ready.

You must also texture the ball coverstock to not only care for the ball surface but to also provide the right amount of traction the ball gains as it travels down the lane.

It is recommended to use a ball cleaner, like Monster Tac,  and hand towel after each session to wipe off remaining oil on the ball and it is recommended to carry and use varying grit pads to texture the ball as needed to restore gripping traction on the lane surface.

Take your bowling ball to the pro shop routinely to make certain you have refreshed your coverstock surface properly and placed a final texture technique to restore the desired ball reaction.

A consensus of manufacturers is to restore or refresh your ball surface after ten or so games, clean the ball regularly, and administer a complete resurface procedure after 60 - 80 games of bowling.

If you see your bowling ball begin to lose its hook potential compared to when you first began using the ball, it might just be in need of a resurface job to restore the reactivity you had grown accustomed to seeing.

Before jumping out and buying a new because you think your current ball has lost its hook, get the ball into the pro shop and ask for your ball to be resurfaced so you get another chance at gaining the ball motion you seek. Also, using your own at-home bowling ball revivor can prove to be beneficial. The Phoenix Personal Ball Revivor is one of the best on the market and at the most affordable price!

If you ball still fails you from a performance standpoint, then perhaps consult next with a good instructor to double check your delivery technique is in order.

Getting a good tune up on your game can also help you restore a reliable ball reaction.

Buying a new ball is an easy process. Avoid being trapped into thinking your existing equipment has completely failed you unless you have performed coverstock maintenance and checked your game for reliability.

The final decision to buy another ball lies with you but be certain you have done yourself justice first by maintaining the surface of your existing equipment.

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