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How To Improve Your Bowling Skills, Originally Posted: 12/26/2010; Updated: 9/25/2023

So you are interested in how to improve your bowling skills?  Well, so are most bowlers but surprisingly few are willing to practice enough and work at improvement.  If you wish to learn how to improve your bowling skills, then it helps to first develop an organized structure by which to practice.
Professional bowlers fight to maintain a high standard of performance and thereby practice their craft with great frequency and with detail and purpose.  You can easily do the same by managing your time on the practice lane wisely.

It helps to develop a simple outline of the key components of the physical approach to the foul line.  Divide your practice sessions into 10 minutes increments for about one hour of practice.  Practice uninterrupted and avoid distractions by other people.  Dedicate your time to working on your game and on your keys to improvement.
During each 10 minute interval, focus solely on one key element of your game.  After six intervals, your practice time of one hour will cover six fundamentals needed to sharpen your bowling skills. recommends you consult a certified coach/instructor or a local bowling professional to help you specifically identify and develop your outline of fundamentals key to your game.
As example, for 10 minutes, work on balance and maintaining in an athletic posture during your approach from the set-up position to the completion of your approach.  Avoid any unneeded head and torso movement or sudden elevation changes during the approach and particularly during the release of the bowling ball. Remember, less moving parts, the more efficient your approach will become and there will be less chance for error!
Next, for 10 minutes focus on a consistent pace or tempo of footsteps.  Try and avoid accelerating your steps excessively as to allow sufficient time for your arm-swing to match in tempo, particularly the final two steps of your approach.  Try and strive for a consistent pace of steps each and every delivery while also walking your lines and avoiding unnecessary drifting away from your pre-planned walking line.
The third 10 minute interval can be used to work on your timing and swing.  Rehearse the beginning of your swing to sequence slightly before before beginning the first step of a four-step approach (begin the swing with the first step of a five step approach) and do not rush the process.  Allow the downswing to begin in a shaped motion as opposed to a "push out-pull back" motion.
Shape the beginning of the swing as to allow a freely flowing swinging of your bowling ball to the top of the back swing in one uninterrupted motion.  From the top of the swing, allow the ball to swing freely and without arm control downward until the ball reaches the "release zone."  Try to maintain a consistent tempo on the back swing and forward swing on each delivery so your bowling hand has a consistent amount of time to complete a good release of the bowling ball while also regulating ball speed.
During your next interval, practice 10 minutes releasing your bowling ball at a precise relationship to your bowling shoe on your sliding leg.  Try to let the ball release as your hand arrives between the heel of your sliding shoe and the shoe laces so momentum developed from the arm swing will propel your ball over the foul line at a gradual angle of descent into the lane surface.
If you find your ball is falling onto the approach floor behind the line, then delay the release until your hand arrives at the toe of your sliding shoe.  If you are lofting the ball too far over the foul line in an upward angle causing the ball to bounce onto the lane bed severely, then begin your release slightly behind the heel of your sliding step.  It is important to note that a consistent moment of release is vital to making effective deliveries with consistent hand action during the critical moment of release.
In the next ten minute interval, practice completing your swing smoothly and focus on making sure your bowling hand follows through in the same direction as your target on the lane. Keep your bowling elbow alignment directly behind your bowling hand on the forward swing and during the release.  The elbow of your bowling arm should attain shoulder level or higher to complete the follow through motion.
For the final 10 minutes of a one hour practice session, hold your form at the foul line until the ball passes the targeting arrows.  At all times, keep your eyes focused with "laser-like precision" on your target down the lane.  It takes only about 2.1 seconds to 2.5 seconds for your bowling ball to travel down the lane and impact the pins.  Holding your posted follow through position until the ball passes the arrows, about one second of time, while also maintaining good balance is vital to accuracy and to achieving good results.

A disciplined hour of practice working on key components of your physical game will help you sharpen your skills and improve your technique.  Practice as often as possible if you expect good results!
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