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How To Find Bowling Ball Drilling Layouts

Everyone wants to learn how to find bowling ball drilling layouts and the answer is relatively easy. Simply follow our special feature known as "Drilling Layouts" available on our home page and click on the button to begin your search. Learning how to find bowling ball drilling layouts for the many products available by the leading manufacturers is really that easy.

Merely click on the "Drilling Layouts" button near the top of our home page and you will arrive at the "Matrix of Manufacturers" landing page. If you are searching for a layout for a given ball, simply click next on the name of the manufacturer you wish and you will then arrive on a page which features several bowling ball products by the given manufacturer. Next, click on the image of any ball you wish and you will find several drilling layout options to review. These drilling options are recommended by the given manufacturer.

As you know, the drilling layout you select for your bowling ball accomplishes a few important things. The drilling layout will influence the ball motion by increasing or decreasing length potential and hook potential ratings. Length and Hook potential can be accentuated or modified by the ball construction and by virtue of the relative mass distribution to your Positive Axis Point (PAP) once holes are drilled into the ball.

The entire purpose of specific drilling layouts are to match your delivery to certain lane conditions so your ultimate ball reaction is controllable and helps you increase your ability to hit the pocket with consistency.

As a random example of a bowling ball layout, the Nexus f(P) Pearl bowling ball currently selling for $154.99, shows layout choices in our "Drilling Layouts" feature such as "Basic Asymmetric Layout No. 1 which is maximum hook & arc producing a ball motion that revs-up strong for maximum hook with a continuous back-end.

Another is Basic Asymmetric Layout No. 2 which is mid-lane hook & back-end producing a motion that opens up the mid-lane and recovers on heavy oil carrydown. A third option for the Nexus Pearl ball is Layout No. 3 for length & back-end producing a late response on the lane and opens the mid-lane while recovering on heavy oil carrydown.

Of course, there are other drilling layout options for this ball and for any ball you choose to consider, any of which might be best suited for your game. The critical thing to remember is that when you invest in a quality bowling ball with the purpose of obtaining a good ball reaction, you must take some time to learn about various drilling layouts to narrow the search in achieving your desired ball motion on the given lane conditions you encounter in competition.

Then you can consult your favorite pro shop professional and further discuss these layouts, evaluate your PAP, ball speed, axis of rotation, axis tilt, and ultimately arrive at a decision how your new bowling ball should be drilled to give you the best chances at success.

It is impossible for anyone not able to watch you bowl in real time, not being familiar with all of your bowling ball equipment, and not knowing the lane conditions you must match up with in order to suggest or recommend a drilling layout with any reasonable certainty for success. The "Drilling Layouts" feature at reduces much of the research time and helps you narrow the number of doable options so you can drill your ball with confidence and knowledge about how the ball should react on the lanes.

Let's examine the example of the Layout No. 1 we discussed earlier so you can see how useful information about any given layout option is viewed on our site. Remember, these are drilling layouts recommended by the given manufacturer. You can certainly modify any drilling option in any way if you think the result will best benefit your cause.

There are many manufacturers listed at the "Drilling Layouts" feature of this site. Other brands will provide a variation in visual layouts with their own unique language to address the given layout information and what to expect in ball motion and on which lane conditions. All you have to do is check out these layouts once you have determined a given bowling ball you intend purchase. So please take some time to browse the "Drilling Layouts" feature and familiarize yourself with what the manufacturers recommend for your next bowling ball.

As you are preparing for your next bowling ball purchase, please browse our site again and use the Perfect Scale® rating feature which provides comparisons of the latest bowling balls in today’s market against our sophisticated rating scale system. The Perfect Scale® can be easily accessed from our home page by clicking on the button and then browsing the information provided at the Perfect Scale®. Our goal is to simply make it easier for you to compare products and feel confident in your purchase selection process. has become the No. 1 “e-tailer” of choice for bowling equipment by the consumers of America. Ordering is an easy process by following simple online instructions. Thanks for visiting

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