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How Should My Bowling Ball React?, Originally Posted: 1/10/2015; Updated: 7/19/2022 continues our series of Editorial articles to express opinions about the bowling industry.

Have you asked yourself how should my bowling ball react?

This is a loaded question because you have your own individual ball reaction based on your release technique, the local lane conditions, the type of bowling ball you use, how the ball is drilled, and the skill and experience levels you possess.

As example, there are so many factors to consider in attaining a desired ball reaction when examining the bowling ball technology today.

There are symmetric core and asymmetric core bowling balls designed by the manufacturers, each of which provides a type of ball motion compared to one another.

There are various drilling layout options you can select to “tweak” the ball motion.

There are ways to texture the ball surface to either extend or reduce the skid distance and influence the back end motion.

The coverstocks vary in material composition and the way they are finished before being placed into the boxes by the manufacturers.

Of course, there are various ways you can deliver your ball which are typically described in terms of axis of rotation or tilt, all of which affect ball motion.

It is very easy to get so caught up in technology that you can sometimes pay more attention to the physics involved in describing ball motion from these above mentioned factors than by simply accepting these ranges of ball motion, aligning to the pocket, and adjusting as lane conditions change during your competition.

Some of you will bowl in leagues as your only form of competition. Others will bowl in tournaments as well.

Regardless of your levels of competition and your own given skill level, you will see a ball reaction every time you make a shot.

How should your ball react? How would you describe your own particular ball motion and what type of motion do see when you are bowling your very best?

Please share your personal ball reaction information with our community friends by posting a blog comment below this article. In doing so, you can share your thinking about your ideal ball reaction with others and read what others have to relate in return.

No need to be lengthy. A couple of sentences is sufficient so we avoid asking our friends to read long comments.

You are welcomed to share where your hometown is and how frequently you bowl in leagues and tournaments.

We thank you in advance for your participation and for visiting

Rich Carrubba Contributing Writer

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