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How Often Do You Maintain Your Bowling Ball Surfaces?

By:, Originally Posted: 9/5/16; Updated: 2/2/2022 continues our series of Editorial articles to express opinions about the bowling industry. This article asks how often do you maintain your bowling ball surfaces?

Let’s get you started by saying that it can be a boring topic to discuss but any experienced player knows that it is important to keep your bowling ball prepared and ready for use if you wish to get a desired ball reaction.

It is not important what your skill level or experiences in the game are to share with us how often you maintain your ball surfaces or have routine maintenance performed.

Here are ideas to lead you in commenting about your bowling ball surface preparation habits:

Do you use a pro shop exclusively for working on your bowling ball surfaces?

Do you perform the maintenance work yourself using grit pads with a variety of scuffing texture?

How frequently do you have your ball surfaces cleaned and textured?

Do you use ball cleaner substances which are approved for use during sanctioned competition by the USBC?

What range of grit pads do you have used on your ball surfaces by your pro shop or if you do the work yourself?

Have you used a layered grit pad procedure when scuffing your ball surfaces?

Do you prefer using pro shop bought cleaners or do you use a homemade method of cleaning your bowling ball surfaces?

Do you own your own ball spinner or revivor type device?

We would like to read your comments about your bowling ball surface maintenance scheduling.

Kindly place your comment in our blog section immediately below this article and share your thoughts with our readers.

We thank you in advance for your participation and we look forward to reading your comments.

By asking you to share your good ideas with our community visitors about bowling balls and surface maintenance and routine scheduling of maintenance will give us insight into how important you feel preparing your ball surfaces is to your game. If you do not use a routine schedule for taking care of your bowling ball equipment, you can benefit from our bowlers relating which areas involving maintenance appear to be most vital to success in getting a reliable ball reaction. There are a plethora of items available for purchase right here on that you may benefit from for ball maintenance, such as Monster Tac Remove All Ball Cleaner, Pyramid Phoenix Bowling Ball Revivor, or Total Abralon Resurfacing And Cleaning Package


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