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How Do I Relax Before Bowling In A Tournament?, Originally Published: 6/10/2015; Updated: 5/19/2022

If you ask how do I relax before bowling in a tournament, then likely you have experienced tension, anxiety or nerves when bowling in past tournaments?

No bowler avoids some degree of nervousness before any meaningful competition.

When you begin a tournament being extremely nervous, you become vulnerable to forcing your swing, your release, and tensing your muscles so all parts of your game are adversely affected.

Tension serves to prolong making poor shots.

The first thing to try is to slow things down in your mind as you prepare to bowl.

Walk slowly, speak slowly, stretch your bowling muscles slowly, and take a few deep breaths letting the air out of your lungs slowly.

Relaxing your leg and bowling arm muscles is a big step toward making good shots even when you are nervous.

Reducing muscle tension in your swing is vital to good shotmaking.

Before you can reduce tension effectively, you must relax your legs as well as your arm muscles so they work in tandem with a smooth and tension-free swing motion.

With less tension in your swing, your release will be consistent and your percentage of good deliveries will improve.

When any skilled player is bowling well, they will feel a flowing motion to the line and a steady tempo with their steps and swing.

Regardless if you are a bowler with normally fast steps or one with slower and more methodical steps, it is important to not abandon your routine because of nerves or anxiety before a tournament begins.

When bowling your best, you can trust your approach, your swing, and your release so you are able to pay attention to delivering your bowling ball down your intended ball delivery path instead of forcing the shot trying so hard to hit the pocket and strike.

When under the pressures of tournament competition, trust your game and allow yourself to flow into the heat of battle by not panicking at the first bad break.

Allow yourself to trust your game and simply play the game in front of you.

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