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How Can I Calm My Nerves Before Bowling In A Tournament?, Originally Published: 6/25/2015; Updated: 5/11/2022

If you ask how can I calm my nerves before bowling in a tournament, you have clearly recognized that nerves have been a factor in the past.

If you get overly anxious and tense leading into an important bowling event such as a tournament, then try a couple of time tested tips to help reduce tension and get you ready to compete:

Breath slowly in and out to release tension.

Rely on inhaling and exhaling slowly to steady your nerves.

Slow down your body movements from the time you enter the bowling center until it is time to make your first shot in a tournament.

Avoid rushing. Maintain your normal routine but do not give in to pressure by hurrying your movements out of nervous energy.

Your brain is the key to commanding your body to reduce tension to an acceptable level. Regardless of your skills, you will become nervous to a certain extent due to the anticipation of bowling in an important event. Everyone gets nervous.

Your mind can calm nerves by simply sending messages to your body that no matter how nervous you feel inside, your body muscles can still perform in a smooth and relaxed manner.

Silently speak to your body to remain calm, to bowl smoothly, to focus on hitting your spot on the lane, and to making a good shot.

These simple commands can overtake anxiety and tension and help you steady your nerves.

Once competition begins, you will gradually lose the sensation of being extremely nervous and your energy flow will level out and become a sort of “working energy” which will sustain you throughout your session on the lanes.

Good bowling performances in tournaments don’t just happen. There are a combination of things which cause good performances.

Being well practiced is one important factor in being ready for a tournament. The knowledge knowing you are bowling well leading into an event removes doubt that you can relax and bowl well in the tournament.

Keep things simple. Breath slowly to reduce tension, signal your brain to command the muscles of your body to use smooth and consistent movements when you bowl, focus on your shot and on hitting your target.

One good shot at a time.

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