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Get Back To Basics When Bowling

By:, Originally Posted: 7/26/17; Updated: 9/25/2021

If your game is somewhat out of sorts, get back to basics when bowling.

To prepare for league or tournament competition, rely on simple bowling basics to tune your game.

Losing your approach tempo by hurrying or forcing your swing movements or the same with your steps are examples of why you may need to tune your game.

Approach tempo is a major component in establishing good timing synchronizing your steps to your swing movements.

Tempo is the first place to start in tuning your game.

Everyone gets out of rhythm from time to time and experiences poor shotmaking. No bowler remains in perfect working order 100% of the time.

Find your authentic swing motion and then time your steps with your swing.

You know that you must initiate your swing smoothly and without interruption once you begin moving the bowling ball.

You know that you must start your first movement of the ball consistently in relation to your first step of your approach.

Whichever timing sequence works best for you is where to focus attention as you tune your game.

Check the cadence of your steps.

Make sure you are neither too slow walking or too fast when walking and swinging your bowling ball.

Poor cadence with your steps leads to other challenges connected with your steps and swing movements.

If you can re-create in practice your best tempo you can then can recapture sound, basic fundamentals which lead to getting your game on track again.

Here are some other basic bowling tips you can use during competition:

*Reduce muscle tension and relax when you bowl.

*Establish a sound pre-shot routine including checking your set-up position, your posture, and your knee flex.

*Keep a steady head throughout your approach.

*Keep your hand behind your bowling ball as long as possible until your forward swing arrives at the bottom of its arc motion.

*Use a gradually accelerated motion on your forward swing through the release area and then follow-through toward your aim point on the lane.

Trust your bowling basics and get to the practice lanes to recapture good approach tempo. Use your pre-shot routine to double check your set-up and to focus on your aim point before beginning to bowl. Getting your game sharp and ready for competition is a matter of relying on the basics of your game which have produced good results in the past. Put in the effort and get back to basics when bowling.


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