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Free Your Bowling Swing

By:, 4/12/16

As an advanced bowler who enjoys competition in leagues and occasional tournaments, a simple and useful tip is to free your bowling swing.

As a top player, you know that when your game is less than its best the fix can be as simple as a minor tweak to a given component of your physical game.

Make this component your swing motion.

Forcing your swing can cause compounded problems. It may cause you to force your release as well.

Let’s be certain, if you made an adjustment to your swing motion during a highly competitive event, you likely need to get back to the practice lanes and tune your swing motion so it returns to being as free, loose, and as smooth as possible without your losing accuracy or ball control.

Tuning your swing by adding a small bit of fluidity in your backswing motion is the first key when readying for your next competition.

Start by reducing muscle tension in your arm, shoulder, and your neck.

Maintain constant gripping pressure on your bowling ball throughout your entire swing cycle.

As you know, a free and consistent swing motion helps you release the ball consistently and helps you control your ball skid distance.

Next time you practice, tune your swing by allowing your backswing to free up a bit by using less arm tension.

You likely will feel your backswing speed up and get to the top of your backswing swiftly and without effort.

Allow gravity to move your bowling ball freely into the downswing.

Your forward swing should gradually accelerate without thrusting your hand into the release area but rather wait on your swing and then let it go quickly and without grabbing at the ball.

Once you tune your swing tempo, you will feel a repetitive motion and will be ready for the next time you bowl.

A free swing produces ball control and accuracy, two things successful bowlers rely on.

After all, you must hit the pocket repeatedly to score and to win. To do so means you must get a reliable ball reaction, something a free and consistent swing provides.

Free your bowling swing and keep your game tuned and on track for your next important competition.

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