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Extend Your Bowling Practice Time, Originally Posted: 6/2/2013; Updated: 11/14/2023

If you are struggling a bit with certain spares when you bowl in competition or even with hitting the pocket consistently, use an extended practice time to address these challenges and reduce the number of open frames in your competitive sessions.

If you need to work on converting corner pin spares such as the 10 or 7 pins, roll ten consecutive deliveries at that “pesty” corner pin and make certain your alignment is correct based on your delivery technique and the bowling ball you choose for spare shooting.

Also, check your walking pattern to make sure you do not drift away from your intended walking path.
If you feel one or more areas of your physical game need some attention, use the additional practice time to address those challenges.

Spend a little more time than usual when practicing on making sure your approach fundamentals are in check. If you are testing a new bowling ball, compare the ball to other equipment in your arsenal to determine how it fits in terms of ball reaction capabilities.
Don’t cut your practice sessions short out of boredom or repetition. Use the time and money you spend on practice to prepare for competition. It can be useful to bowl with a teammate or a friend and make friendly wagers, even if it for bragging rights, to simulate that competitive feeling you get in leagues and tournaments.

Many coaches believe that pushing yourself in practice so you work on your game when you are a little tired can help you simulate competitive situations. When fatigue sets in, you must make certain you are in good enough physical condition to continue making quality shots while performing under duress.

If you are practicing alone, space out intervals between deliveries to match close to your league or tournament pace of play. Rolling shots one after another in a rapid fire sequence will not match the pace you bowl when under the gun in competition.

Use your practice time wisely. Make certain you rehearse all of the keys to your game and spend perhaps an additional five minutes of practice time on each key component.
For example, if you are working on four keys to your physical game during a given practice session, spending only five additional minutes on each key component will lead to an extended twenty minutes of practice.

Serious players, regardless of average, will spend sufficient time on their games. However, not all bowlers have the time or money to bowl several times each week, so learn to spread your practice time an equal number of days apart from scheduled leagues or tournaments. The objective is to get used to bowling at spaced intervals so your body and brain establishes a routine for performance.

When you practice, leave little to chance. Work on the strong parts of your game. Dedicate an extended amount of practice time and you will give yourself a great chance at making improvements in your game. In short, extend your practice time and sharpen your bowling skills.

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