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Bowling Towel Practice Drill

By:, Originally Posted: 7/12/17; Updated: 12/15/2020

If you wish to improve the consistency of your release technique, use the bowling towel practice drill.

One challenge frequently overlooked related to releasing the bowling ball is getting the ball introduced into the lane surface at a consistent angle of descent and a consistent distance beyond the foul line.

One simple way of developing a keen sense of when you should allow your bowling ball to release from your hand during your forward swing is to use a bowling towel to help monitor the point of contact your ball enters the lane surface.

The drill is nothing new or nothing difficult to use. During your practice sessions away from competition, merely place your bowling towel just beyond the foul line across the section of the lane where your ball first contacts the lane bed.

If you wish to get the ball well over the foul line, place the furthest edge of your towel perhaps 18 inches beyond the lane so you must release the ball over the towel where the towel does not move.

If you wish for your ball to first contact the lane surface in a slightly more standard distance beyond the foul line, place the towel across the area of lane where your ball must clear about 12 inches of distance beyond the foul line to avoid falling onto the towel.

If you hit the towel, be careful to avoid walking on the lane past the line and slipping on the oily lane surface in an effort to replace the towel in the same position. Be certain to also notify the staff at your lanes of your practice to avoid any concern. 

Getting your bowling ball over the line the same distance each shot is a big step in controlling not only your ball speed and loft distance but, importantly, your ball skid distance when it leaves your hand.

Every release tip or drill is designed to help you control your bowling ball reaction.

This simple towel practice drill will surprise you in how useful it is to help you develop a sense of feel when delivering your ball a desired distance onto the lane surface.

Other techniques which can help your release is to rotate your fingers but not your elbow and staying behind the ball as long as possible before rotating your fingers. To stay behind the ball is to keep the palm of your hand behind the ball as your swing and hand enter the release zone at or near the bottom of your forward swing arc. When you rotate your bowling fingers, avoid also rotating the elbow of your bowling arm. It is possible to rotate your fingers perhaps an inch or slightly more without rotating your elbow. Use the bowling towel practice drill next time you practice so you can fine tune your release technique and get a reliable ball reaction.


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