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Bowling Determination

By:, Originally Posted: 1/18/16; Updated: 1/10/2023

If you are averaging about 150 and wish to improve your game, start with using some old-fashioned bowling determination?

Improvement is a process and it begins with the will to progress as a bowler.

The process requires increased knowledge of the game and of your game, the will to persevere, and the dedication to practice working on skills needed to make progress.

Boil things down to one shot at a time and remain in the present when focusing on any given shot.

Bowling in blind hope of getting good results usually does not work out well.

Commit to learning more about your game and then practice what you learn.

Your coach will help you organize your game and training plans and review your progress with you if you first commit to working with a coach.

It is difficult to improve on your own without assistance from a qualified instructor.

Set a goal with your coach and make certain it is a realistic long range goal. Raising your average by 15 pins or winning your league championship are good goals.

Being consistent and understanding keys to your game are other worthwhile goals.

Break your goal down into smaller parts so you can practice one technique, one key to your game, at a time.

Develop a plan and practice with purpose. Make spare shooting improvement a part of your plan.

Making good shots begins with establishing a reliable and repetitive pre-shot routine and identify specifics of that routine. Make certain you do it every shot.

Avoid switching goals in the middle of practice drills.

Make sure to practice what you are good at in addition to areas of your game in need of improvement.

Improving your game is a matter of plain bowling determination.

Reprogramming your thinking about the game and commit to training and competitive routines.

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