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Bowl M.A.D., Originally Posted: 6/13/2015; Updated: 5/16/2022

An important key to winning on the lanes is to bowl M.A.D.

No, not bowling angry or with a negative temperament, but bowl with three important factors which lead to winning - Motion, Alignment, and Determination.

Motion - package a good physical game with shroud of smoothness, tempo, and good balance and you can perform well under the pressures of competition.

It is a simple matter of first identifying what it takes to get your game in top form, then it takes work through dedicated practice to ingrain keys to a good physical game into your bowling motion.

No top tier player bowls well by accident. It is with the development of solid game skills coupled with experience bowling in a competitive environment which leads to winning.

Alignment - any bowler with a good physical game can bowl well, but, to bowl great, it takes knowledge of the lane oil pattern and the skills to align properly on the given pattern to hit the pocket consistently.

Initial alignment alone is not enough, however. If you want to excel in the game, it takes knowledge in making alignment adjustments as the lane conditions change during a competitive event such as leagues or tournaments.

Alignment and adjustments are the two vital skills all great bowlers have in common.

Determination - developing a solid physical game and a good system for alignment to the pocket are only two keys to success. The bridge to consistent success is the pure determination to succeed.

Determination is coupled with desire and dedication in making the necessary effort to overcome adversity and to stare down challenges in the face when toiling in competitive bowling situations.

The attitude to apply what you know and to apply the skills you physically have in a combined effort to win is what determination is all about.

Next time you think about elevating your game to another level, dig in and bowl M.A.D.

Develop a solid physical Motion and allow it to flow together when bowling under pressure, play the lanes properly by developing a system of Alignment to the pocket, and tie these skills together with the Determination to apply what you know and what you can do to overcome any bowling obstacles and win.

Bowl M.A.D.

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