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What Do You Like Or Dislike Most About Bowling?

Updated 6/16/2020

OK, it is time to ask….what do you dislike most about bowling?

Everyone has some things about bowling they like and likely things they do not.

How about you? Are there any aspects of the sport or game that you truly enjoy and things that you would like to see changed?

Perhaps you may be frustrated with the high scoring today or, on the flip side, you might enjoy the fact that with some hard work and learning about bowling ball technology, a 300 game or an 800 series might be just around the corner.

Maybe the vast number of new bowling balls coming onto the market each year makes it difficult to determine if you need new and more equipment or if these new bowling balls will, indeed, help you raise your average at all?

Maybe some bowlers become disappointed that local bowling centers charge a good deal of money for a game of bowling these days?

If you stop to think about it, you probably can find at least one thing you like and one thing you do not like about the present state of bowling?

This is a good time for you to express your personal views about bowling and invite some friendly debate or comments in reply to your point of view.

Feel free to blog your comment below this article and address one positive thing you like about the game today and perhaps one negative thing you wish was different.

No need to share a laundry list of things; instead, offer one idea.

Let’s see if we draw reply comments from our friends reading this article concerning various points of view about bowling.

Friends, let’s keep the comments civil regardless of your passion about things you dislike or about comments others make where you disagree.

We invite a fair exchange of ideas that trigger good ideas for all of us to think about.

Thanks in advance for participating. We look forward to reading your comments.

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