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Stretch Your Bowling Game, Originally Posted: 8/5/2013; Updated: 3/30/2023

If you are a senior bowler in need of properly warming up before beginning your competitive bowling session, stretching your body muscles before bowling can be a big help.
If you live in a cold winter climate, proper warm-up before bowling will help you prevent injury and get your ready to bowl.
If you develop a quick and simple routine of stretching before you bowl, you will give yourself a great chance at starting your competitive session by making good deliveries while avoiding possible injuries.
Choosing stretching exercises involving all of your bowling muscles needed to perform well should be your objective. It is important to limber your muscles in your legs, arms, and shoulders before you try to deliver a bowling ball.
Since everyone must walk and swing our bowling balls in a synchronized manner and deliver the ball between 18-21 mph accurately and consistently to achieve desired results, it makes sense to stretch our leg muscles before beginning to bowl.
Here are a few stretching tips:
1. Use slow and smooth stretching exercises.
2. Work the big muscles of your legs in preparation to bowl.
3. Stretch your hamstring muscles using toe-touching or ankle touching exercises to a point where the legs feel warm and stimulated and hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds without forcing the stretched muscles.
4. General calisthenic exercises or aerobic exercises commonly used at home can also be useful for stretching your leg muscles prior to bowling.
5. Limber your shoulders before bowling by rotating your arms in a swinging, full-range of motion of large circles and then reverse the rotational direction.
6. Stretch your arm across your body to a full extension and with your opposite hand placed on your elbow of the arm which rests against your torso, gently stretch the arm so the shoulder muscles get loosened. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds and then release and stretch your other arm.
7. Loosen your wrist, and ankles with circular motion before bowling to stretch the tendons and ligaments, particularly for those of you living in cold climates.
8. Make sure your first couple of deliveries are at half speed. Build up to your full operating speed during your warm-up deliveries.
Develop a pre-shot routine and perform your physical stretching exercises. Take the first several deliveries at half throttle. Be precise in your warm-up routine.

There are numerous types of exercises which can help you prepare to bowl. Develop your own routine based upon your age, your degree of body flexibility, and how much time you can dedicate to warming up before competition.
It is important to consult your physician and your bowling instructor before beginning any rigorous exercise routine. Slow stretching exercises should be easy to implement into your bowling routine and will most certainly help you warm-up properly before bowling and get the most of out your game.
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