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Score Well When Not Bowling Your Best

By:, Originally Posted: 12/4/16; Updated: 12/22/2023

As an experienced player, you can learn to score well when not bowling your best.

It is possible for you to perform well in competition even when you are not sharp and feel as though you are bowling at about 80% of your best physical game.

The great Earl Anthony, PBA Hall of Fame Champion (maybe the best ever) was known to say he could win with 85% of his “best stuff” if he just bowled smart.

When you learn to accept that you will not be at your very best each time you bowl, you can relax and trust your physical game skills and trust your knowledge in playing the lane conditions and still bowl competitively.

Bowl smart, as Earl would say.

Here are some quick tips to use your game as wisely as possible:

*Establish a consistent pre-shot routine.

*Avoid trying to overpower the lanes.

*Strive for good body balance during your approach without rushing your steps beyond your normal routine.

*Swing your bowling ball as tension free as you can.

*Release the ball smoothly without grabbing or forcing it to hook.

*Focus on delivering your bowling ball over your spot on the lane.

*Use a bowling ball which provides a controllable ball reaction.

*Place great emphasis on converting your spares.

One trait we see in bowlers who lose an ability to hit the pocket repeatedly is fear or panic followed by rushing and forcing shots.

Instead, relax, use sensible alignment and adjustment techniques, and use a ball which gives you good control in the mid-lane.

Another factor to consider is delivering your bowling ball at a consistent speed each shot. Speed control helps you gain a consistent ball reaction so you read the lane conditions and play the lanes as wisely as you can. Also, by trying to use a consistent ball speed your release tends to stabilize and your loft distance does the same. These contributing parts of your game all add up to giving yourself a chance to score well even when you do not perform to your very best abilities.


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