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Reduce Your Bowling Aim Time

Publish Date: 10/1/15

If you are one of the top tier players in your town or perhaps in the country, you might be one also prone to being a perfectionist who takes a lengthy and methodical way of preparing to bowl.

There is certainly nothing wrong with being tedious in preparation to bowl.

If you find yourself aiming on the approach for a long time, however, trying to get the perfect feel and fussing to get every body part in position to bowl, you might want to reduce your bowling aim time.

Every action causes an equal and opposite reaction, as the saying goes.

By aiming so long before taking your first step can tense up your neck, shoulders, leg, or arm muscles to a point where your motion becomes more mechanical than free and loose.

Make your alignment and release decisions before stepping onto the approach.

Between shots, think about what you intend to do and commit to your decisions when you step onto the approach. Be ready to bowl and avoid excessive aim time.

Excessive time standing on the approach can work against you making a good shot.

The longer you hold a heavy bowling ball aiming at your sighting target, the heavier the bowling ball can feel and the more muscles will become tense.

When you bowl your best, you typically feel a rhythm and flow to your game. Maintaining this freedom of motion is an integral part of bowling well over a long period of time.

If your mind has a clear picture of how you wish to deliver your bowling ball, you need not aim more than a couple of seconds before beginning your walk to the foul line.

By all means make certain of a good set-up before bowling. tTere is no need to aim a full 15 seconds standing like a frozen statue before bowling.

Quickly go through your checkpoints for a good set-up, look at your target, and bowl.

Some of the best bowlers in the history of the game were fast players. There is no need to rush your shot. There is greater need to avoid aiming too long preventing a good tempo or pace of bowling.

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