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Random Bowling Tips

By:, Originally Posted: 4/8/17, Updated: 11/4/2021

If you like reading a few random bowling tips because you enjoy thinking about your game and how to improve it, then the following tips just may have some value:

*Random practice - Avoid bowling practice games with no specific focus on one or more important keys to your game. Use your practice time wisely by developing a practice plan even if this means working only on one key aspect of your game and stick to your plan. It is easy to get caught up in casual conversations with friends during practice so try to bowl alone when you can so you can work on parts of your game each practice session which you know need attention.

*Adjustments - test new adjustments strategies during practice sessions as opposed to introducing something untested into your game when bowling in competition such as leagues or tournaments. Many adjustments to your game or make equipment changes seem simple enough to implement but avoid the temptation to try them unless you have rehearsed them away from your competitive bowling sessions.

*Trust - once you do decide to make an adjustment when bowling in competition, trust your decisions and judgement. Don’t 2nd guess yourself. If something does not work as you had thought it might, adjust again without any hesitation.

*Avoid making an adjustment to your physical game following a poor shot. Make sure you know you made a good shot but the wrong result occurred. An example would be that your ball reaction changed enough to cause you to miss the pocket after making an angle of attack adjustment. If you adjusted following a poor shot, you cannot be certain you made the best adjustment.

*Bowling ball equipment - keep your ball surfaces prepared and ready for use. Bowling ball surfaces are very important parts in gaining a reliable ball reaction. Not developing and using a routine ball surface maintenance strategy can catch up with you can cause you to lose an ability to hit the pocket consistently or to carry strikes as often as you should.

*Stubbornness - if you see a poor ball reaction when you just delivered a good shot, avoid telling yourself you can throw the ball better next shot without making some slight adjustment. Avoiding stubbornness is an example of the trust in your decisions required when you believe it is time for some type of change.

If you use your current abilities and resources to an advantage by relying on them when it counts the most, you can improve your game scores and levels of performance without adding new techniques or changing what you already know how to do. Many of the most useful tips are not physical game technique changes or mental game strategies but rather simply using common sense when you face competitive bowling situations. Avoid allowing the pressures of any competition to throw you off of your game. Stick you what you know when you are bowling “under the gun” and if afterward you feel changes to your game are needed, then do so in subsequent practice sessions.


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