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Practice Your Bowling Backswing Range

By:, 3/9/16

As a skilled and experienced competitive player, when you work on your swing technique, practice your bowling backswing range.

Working on your swing can entail several components important to the overall swing motion.

Typically, bowlers work on the tempo of their swing or the direction of their swing path, but rarely the range of height in their backswing movement.

Part of the complete swing cycle is the backswing. The backswing can be thought of as the motion your arm makes as the swing begins to move downward and then back to the very top of the swing behind your bowling shoulder.

The height of your backswing at the top of its motion can directly link to your ball speed.

As example, if your backswing is both slow and short in swing range, then it is reasonable and likely your ball speed will be on the slower side.

If your swing moves very swiftly and loosely to the top of the backswing arc and higher from the floor than the previous example, then it is likely your ball speed will be increased.

Each bowler has different length arms and legs and, therefore, the backswing height varies from bowler to bowler.

The height and swiftness of movement in your backswing motion can relate to how fast your will deliver the ball.

If you are a competitive bowler and try to vary your ball speed depending on lane conditions, then it makes sense to practice the range of your your backswing height.

Work on speed control at any range of backswing height or motion you use. Top players can control their ball speed at any speed their range of motion allows.

By practicing your ball speed, you can improve your ball reaction consistency.

Some bowlers will change the pace of their steps to increase or decrease ball speed. There is nothing wrong in doing so if you can regulate your speed to best match with lane conditions.

One factor to consider when practicing speed control is to only only become aware of your backswing motion but the height of your swing packaged with the direction your forward swing path takes.

Coupled with the looseness in your arm as you swing the bowling ball and the speed of your steps, your backswing height will vary enough to create a range of effectiveness.

Knowing your game and how to practice your backswing motion is one key component to performing well when it counts.

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