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Know Your Bowling Assets

By:, 4/10/16

To thine ownself be true. Know your bowling assets.

So often you as a highly skilled player work only on the things that go awry with your game, particularly following competition.

It is every talented bowler’s nature to want to find a solution to why parts of your game breakdown.

It can sometimes become overwhelming to identify which elements of your game to address first when you need to tune your game.

No bowler has the capability to master each and every facet of the game at one time, during one dedicated practice session.

It becomes vital to know the keys to your game to address first and which to postpone when you are working on your game.

Stick to what you know and do best most often when you are bowling in stiff competition.

In other words, work on what you do best when you are bowling your best.

Knowing your game means knowing the range of adjustments you can make to tune your physical motion.

The same holds true when choosing a bowling ball to match with lane conditions.

Most of you will have the ball surfaces textured and prepared to meet the challenges of the oil patterns you likely will face in your next competition.

Trusting your ball reaction reads is essential in making good decisions for playing the lanes.

Because of the number of variables you may choose from when you are in the middle of competing, it is important to know you are not alone with this task. Successful amateur and professional players typically rely on only one or two anchors to their games.

It is recommended you identify your keys most essential to your success which have helped you in the past and rely on them just as top players do.

Knowing your strengths and relying on them in competition allow you to focus on playing the game in front of you and not bog down too much thinking about every physical movement you make when walking, swinging, and releasing your bowling ball.

During competition, it is tough enough playing the oil patterns and adjusting as lane conditions change.

Why add complicated thoughts to your system of bowling in competition by thinking far too much about the mechanics of your approach?

Instead, trust your game, read the lanes, react to what you see, make crisp and certain decisions about any adjustments you feel will be best at the time you need them to work, and give yourself the chance to succeed.

Any great bowler, past or present, experiences highs and lows with their games during competition. It is highly advisable to go with what you do best and save experimentation on your game for the practice lanes.

Know your bowling assets. Trust your game. Trust your lane reads and your inner voice when faced with making decisions when it counts most.

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