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How Can New Bowlers Be Attracted To The Game?

By:, 10/7/16

Updated 6/8/2020 continues our series of Editorial articles to express opinions about the bowling industry. This article asks how can new bowlers be attracted to the game?

Because this site provides continuous editorial bowling articles, we thought it would be fun to hear from our friends to comment on how you feel new bowlers can be attracted to the game and what specifically can be done by proprietors and organizations to help the game grow?

Let’s get you started by saying not every bowling center management team does a stellar job in promoting the game and in recruiting new bowlers to enter Learn To Bowl programs with qualified instructors or join newly forming leagues.

The days of using proactive league coordinators have been dramatically reduced in number and advertising budgets are minimal for proprietors to dedicate needed resources to promote the centers and bring new bowlers into the game.

Here are a ideas to help you comment on related to promoting bowling locally and nationally:

Should bowling center management teams use specific people on a full time basis to promote leagues and special events at their centers?

Are Junior Leagues adequately developing new kids into bowlers?

How about High School bowling programs; Are sufficient resources dedicated to promoting high school aged youth to join leagues and even participate in tournaments?

Is College bowling as strong as it needs to be so bowlers will graduate into adult leagues and not quit the game?

What are your thoughts regarding promoting bowling both in your area and around the country?

Are late shift night leagues adequately promoted or is it best for proprietors to simply rely on open bowling to keep the center busy?

We would like to read your comments about how new bowlers can become interested in the game.

Kindly place your comment in our blog section immediately below this article and let us share in what you have to relate.

We thank you in advance for your participation and are anxious to read your comments.

All The Best!


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