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How Can I Bowl More Accurately?, Originally Posted: 2/2/2015; Updated: 3/10/2024

If you are in the 150 - 175 average range and are asking how can I bowl more accurately, then work on these tips to help you become an improved shotmaker.

Here are a few tips on improving your bowling accuracy:

Regulate your ball speed - Try to deliver each shot at the same ball speed. If you can control the skid length, your ball will react consistently.

Release your ball along the right delivery path - Good alignment allows you to deliver your bowling ball at the correct angle down the lane to your sighting target on the lane.

Your sighting target should be along the path your ball follows to the pocket based on making a good shot.

Develop a sound alignment and adjustment system - Work with a professional bowling instructor to help you build an alignment system based on the lane oil conditions for initial alignment purposes. Your coach will also help you learn tricks in adjusting your alignment to the pocket as the lane conditions change during your competitive sessions.

Accuracy is developed not only through sound physical game fundamentals but with proper alignment to the pocket as well.

Focus on your sighting target - It will surprise you to learn that many bowlers lose focus of their spot on the lane while during their approaches to the foul line because they think too much about how they are going to deliver the bowling ball.

Commit to a specific target on the lane - Watch your ball carefully as it travels down the lane.

Your eyes send the signal to your brain where the target is positioned and your brain signals your hand the speed and the direction to release the ball.

Avoid hurrying your final two steps - Give your swing and release a fair chance at delivering your ball to your target accurately by not rushing your final two steps and forcing your shot.

Eliminate excessive muscle tension in your swing - Maintain a consistent tempo with your entire swing cycle each shot you make so you can regulate ball speed.

Follow through - Complete your swing to a full follow through position. In doing so, you will avoid a deceleration of your forward swing.

Hold your form at the foul line - Stay in balance and freeze your finish position until your ball passes your sighting target.

Good balance is vital in helping you improve your bowling accuracy. Keeping your head and shoulders very steady without excessive motion will help you maintain good balance.

These tips will lead you to good shotmaking. If you ask how can I bowl more accurately, you can answer your own question by practicing these tips and consulting with your bowling instructor.

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