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Get Out Of Bowling Jail Tips

By:, Originally Posted: 3/15/16; Updated: 1/27/2024

Have you ever felt you were bowling so poorly you just wanted to toss in the towel and quit?

It can seem like you will never again bowl a good game or series when you are “locked up.”

Your passion and emotions can get the best of you if you develop the pattern of bowling poorly and don’t understand what you can do to turn things around.

Here are “get out of bowling jail tips” to get things going in the right direction:

* Make smooth and well paced steps. Avoid hurrying your first step. Gradually build your pace of steps while adding a slight amount of knee flex each successive step.

* Swing the ball back to the top of your swing swiftly and with no arm tension to free up your overall swing motion.

* Make a smooth transition from the top of the swing by allowing gravity to drop your ball into the downswing. Gradually accelerate your forward swing and finish your follow-through motion.

* Reduce your bowling finger rotation when releasing your ball. Resist the urge to apply increased power to your delivery.

* Keep your eyes focused on your sight target

* Keep your head as steady as you can when walking to the foul line.

* Avoid overlooking routine spare shots. Place greater emphasis on picking up your spares than getting strikes. Strikes will come once you return to trusting your game.

If you are confused about what you can do to improve your steps, swing, release, balance, or alignment, then it is recommended to consult an experienced bowling instructor.

“Get out of bowling jail tips” is simply a metaphor for paying most attention to the key fundamentals important to your game.

Use these tips to get you back on track to making good shots and restoring your belief in your bowling game.

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