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Bowling Strategy Thoughts

By:, Originally Posted: 5/22/17; Updated: 10/25/2023

Performing well in important competition means you must organize bowling strategy thoughts and use only what pertains at the moment you are facing during the competition.

One such strategy which is important to all bowlers and particularly to those of you who highly skilled and advanced in experience is concentrating on your next shot and not allowing your mind to wander.

In this case, you must develop an ability to lock in on your bowling aim point at the precise moment you begin your first step and commit fully to that target.

During your time waiting for the next frame you will bowl is the time to decide on your sight target and how you wish to deliver the bowling ball, not when you are aiming on the approach.

This is a second strategy all accomplished bowlers must use and one which will benefit any bowler.

Developing a sound pre-shot routine before your first step is a third important strategy.

Not only must you have your mind made up on a specific aim point you must also repeat the same set-up on the approach using good posture and getting just the right grip on your bowling ball.

The next strategy is key to repeating quality shots is to relax before you begin walking and swinging your bowling ball. Become as tension free as you can without losing a firm commitment to make a good shot.

Fourth, make sure you convert your spares. Never overlook the importance of filling each frame whenever possible. Spares support your “doubles and three baggers.”

Fifth, watch your bowling ball travel down the lane carefully. Observe its overall motion so you can read your ball reaction carefully and make crisp decisions if any adjustment is needed.

Indecision is the killer of good scores when bowling against high levels of competition.

Your mental game strategies are many. Another factor is accuracy. Monitor your physical movements but do not allow yourself to labor over every single mechanical body movement. You must remain fluid and relaxed even when you are making a critical shot. Your approach tempo should not vary each shot because of the associated pressures competition can bring. Bowling strategy thoughts must be clean, clear, and easy to remember. Take dead aim and then bowl.


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