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Bowling Concentration Requires Practice

By:, 4/20/16

Updated 11/6/2020

Bowling concentration requires practice. The ability to remain focused on any part of your task in making good shots requires practice.

Since bowling is a mental and a physical game, learning how to concentrate on your game and on playing the lanes is a process successful players develop as they become more and more experienced in competing against other players of advanced skills.

Performing well in competition requires a keen focus on your game for extended periods of time.

It is not easy to concentrate fully on the game for two or three hours unless you develop your ability to do so.

It is human nature for the mind to wander and take in thoughts about things which are not directly related to what your task ahead requires.

Understanding what causes losses or lapses in concentration can help you increase your levels of focus where you can remain absorbed in what you are doing for long periods of time.

Concentration in bowling can be defined as a close mental attention to your game.

Improving powers of concentration means to apply exclusive attention to one task and enact the mental application to accomplish the task.

The process can be shortened if you dedicate your focus when bowling in competition to key components of your game.

If you are bowling about three hours of competition in league play or in a tournament, as example, then it is extremely difficult to keep your mind focused on your bowling and avoid any and all distractions for the entire three hours on the lanes.

This requires practice, just like any other aspect of your game.

Develop the routine of minimizing interaction with fellow players and competitors between frames.

Reserve personal time to focus on your next shot for a minute or so. Think about what you need to do to make a good shot as opposed to getting frustrated with a previous poor shot.

Losing focus on the game because of distractions stemming from too much interaction with other bowlers or from previous poor shots can and will be detrimental to your success.

Since we have only so much energy to dedicate to any athletic endeavor, it makes sense to conserve the energy for when it is needed.

Preparation for your next shot requires focusing on what it will take to make a good delivery, and nothing else.

Think of making one good delivery at a time and then move on to what it will take to make one good delivery your next turn.

You must train your mind as well as your body. The training grounds are your practice sessions.

On the practice lane is where you can improve your personal powers of concentration.

During practice sessions, bowl with awareness.

By developing the habit of total concentration during competition means you have also reduced time you become distracted.

The building blocks to winning are developed from a positive attitude, a solid physical game, your ability to concentrate for extended periods of time, and from dedicated practice of each key component of your game.

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