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Bowling Ball Point Of Release, Originally Posted: 10/2/2014; Updated: 9/5/2022

Since the critical delivery of your bowling ball happens at the moment the ball exits your hand, it is important to understand a few keys to making effective and repeatable releases.
Retaining some knee flex while walking to the line and adding knee flex as you enter your final sliding step will help you maintain balance as you release your ball.
The first primer in maintaining balance at the foul line when you are making the critical release of your bowling ball is using your legs properly.
Sliding under your center portion of your body will keep your body weight distributed over you slide leg and will help you maintain balance.
Walking very upright with no knee flex and then trying to bend forward from the waist suddenly while swinging and delivering your bowling ball invites poor balance at the foul line and the possibility of falling off of the shot.
Instead, use knee flex throughout your approach and sliding into your final step by adding additional flex so you have centralized balance when delivering your ball. Accuracy depends on good balance.
Next, release your hand from the ball below your sliding knee level at the mid-point of your calf on your sliding bowling leg.
If you are using knee flex when you slide, your bowling shoulder will be dropped slightly from an upright position thereby allowing your swing path to match your intended delivery angle path allowing for a hook delivery.

By releasing your ball at the mid-point of your sliding leg calf, you will get the ball to enter the lane surface at a gradual angle of descent. This technique helps to avoid your ball bouncing and creating inconsistent skid length distance.
You will also be able to easily clear the foul line and not lose the ball prematurely into the approach floor behind the foul line.
Gaining consistent skid distance results from ball speed launch control, a consistent loft distance beyond the foul line, from consistent finger rotation, and from good body balance while delivering your ball.
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