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Bowling Ball And Grip

Excerpt from Bowling Fundamentals - Second Edition By Michelle Mullen


Bowling requires a balance between power and consistency. That is, it is a sport of repetition and power. Although the approach is made up of a sequence of movements meant to develop this power, the key to developing consistency and accuracy lies in the swing. As we say, "Swing is king!" The key to developing a healthy, natural arm swing is to relax. A natural swing is easiest to repeat. To keep tension out of the swing and be able to relax, you must have the proper grip.

Both a good ball fit and the application of proper grip pressure have a major impact on the swing. In other words, to develop a consistent swing, you need a ball that fits properly and you need to apply minimal grip pressure throughout the swing. You should be able to do this if the ball fits right. This will allow you to relax and repeat shots to become more consistent and accurate.

In addition, a proper ball fit helps you avoid injury when you bowl. Bowlers with poor ball fit will often complain of sore tendons or fingers or have abrasions on their skin. Worse, some bowlers experience soreness in the arm, shoulder, or back when the grip is poor, as a result of all the tension caused by trying to hold on and all the compensations the body makes during the approach- all so that the ball does not slip from the hand! Finding a skilled ball fitter is invaluable when you take up bowling. We have had people come from far away to get help, and I always say that just getting the proper fit is worth the trip.

Some accessories can enhance ball fit. Using bowler's tape to adjust the size of the thumbhole to keep up with the swelling and shrinking of your thumb when you bowl is critical.

It also is important to use a ball that is the correct weight. If the ball is too light, your arm can overpower it, inhibiting the pendulum effect you are trying to achieve in the swing. However, if the ball is too heavy, it is difficult to develop a full and loose arm swing. With the importance of ball fit and ball weight in mind, you need to devide whether to purchase a ball. Owning a ball is clearly advised. When you purchase your own ball, you can get the proper fit in the correct weight, as well as the proper type of ball for your game.

The quality of the ball, particularly the ball's cover, can help you achieve optimal performance. Advancements in research and techonology have improved the performance of today's bowling balls. They have differing amounts of hook potential , depending on their covers and weight blocks inside them. Matching the type of ball to your game is the responsibility of your pro shop professional.

Taking care of your new bowling balls is also very important.



Mullen, Michelle. Bowling Fundamentals- Second Edition. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2014.
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