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Be A Determined Bowler

By:, Originally Posted: 2/3/17; Updated: 11/21/2021

If you wish to tighten up a few loose ends with your bowling, then learn to become a determined bowler.

Your first reaction might be to use some old-fashioned bowling determination but improving your overall technique and competitive strategy requires more than raw passion to succeed.

Improvement is a process and it begins with the will to progress and then addressing the small details of your game which collectively lead to improved results.

You can begin by simply taking an additional moment before stepping onto the approach in preparation to bowl and thinking precisely how you wish to deliver the ball and which angle of attack you wish to use. Commit to your decision fully.

Some people refer to this process as part of a pre-shot routine and some simply say to think about what you wish to do before hurrying to bowl.

Be somewhat more careful how you hold your bowling ball and how you position the ball in front of your body. Position the ball just the way you believe will lead to an effective swing and release and then double check your gripping pressure on the ball before beginning your approach.

Be in a comfortable and well balanced body position before taking your first step. So much of making good shots comes from the preparation you make before making a given shot.

Regardless of your anxiety and tension levels when bowling in competition, instruct your mind to relax your body muscles you you can swing the ball smoothly, loosely, and accurately toward your sight target.

Keep your head still while walking and swinging your bowling ball to retain good body balance when releasing your ball.

Hold your form for a second after releasing your ball to ensure your balance and finishing position at the foul line is intact.

Watch your bowling ball carefully react on the lane surface, enter the pins, and leave the pin deck.

The feedback you get from watching your ball reaction and pin carry is extremely useful in maintaining good alignment to hit the pocket repeatedly.

Stay calm and cool if you do not strike. Make a decisive effort to convert your spares. Never throw away pin totals by becoming careless if you do not strike.

These small details and strategies of your game can lead to much improved results if you develop the habit of doing your best to be a determined bowler.

Another factor in improving your game is knowledge of your game and how it works best for you. Commit to learning the key aspects of your game which affect your executing quality shots in competition. Break your game into smaller parts so you can practice one technique, one key to your game, at a time. Develop a plan and practice with purpose.


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