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Ask Bob (October 2015) - How Do I Make Adjustments On The Lane? 10/29/2015

by Bob Korth - Stars & Strikes Newsmagazine

Q. I am having problems adjusting to the lane conditions where I bowl league. I am OK during the first game I hit the pocket and carry is good. After about two or three frames of the 2nd game I can't get the ball to the pocket. It goes light or leaves the ten pin. Then when the 3rd game starts the ball begins to hook at release. I only bowl once a week and this has me lost. What should I do to be more consistent?

A. What is happening to you is a common problem. The first game you are on fresh oil and all is well. Then the oil pattern changes due to play. The oil starts to move around. Some carry down happens the oil goes down the lane a bit. It is being transferred by the bowling balls to the once drier back ends of the lane. This causes the ball to delay it's back end reaction an it goes light or does not finish as hard and leaves the ten pin. So to combat this you must move right just a little maybe one board this will get the ball into a little earlier roll and it should then finish to the pocket. In the third game the head portion of the lane starts to dry out and causes the ball to start hooking very early. This causes it to go high each shot. Now you have to move left and not just a a board. You will need to find more head oil so you may need as much as a 4 to five board move with your feet and a 2 board move with your mark on the lane. This will get you into more fresh oil to stop the early ball reaction. This is just a guide line to go by. You may need a little less of a move or a little more. For lefty's make the opposite moves.

Q. I have been bowling for 12 years now. For the first 7 or 8 years my average improved each year. But now I am starting to lose ground. My average has dropped the last 2 years. It is getting very frustrating. How can I get my game back on track?

A. There are ups and down's in every sport and bowling is no different. What is different in bowling is that bowlers in most cases don't seem to think that they need Coaching. In all other sports the key to improving is instruction and practice. In bowling we just think we can wing it. So my suggestion is go to your local bowling center or pro shop and ask them about a series of lessons. You will find that bowling lessons are not expensive and very valuable. You can get 5 or 6 one on one lessons in most cases for less than the price of a new ball. The lessons will last you a lifetime. Then try bowling more than once a week get in a little practice. Pay special attention to your spare shooting and I guarantee your average will increase. As will your enjoyment of the game.

Q. I just turned 70 and I am noticing that I get very tired by the time the 3rd game begins. I use a 16 pound ball and I like the carry I get with the ball. My friends are telling me that maybe I should go down in weight. What will this do to my carry?

A. By all means go down in weight. Today's bowling balls are very powerful and you probably won't notice any difference in pin carry with a 15 pound ball. That one pound will make a big difference in keeping your energy level up. You will feel better and have more ball speed and better control. This will add up to better scoring overall. Most pro's today are using 15 pound balls.

Article was posted with permission from Stars & Strikes, America's Bowling Newsmagazine.

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