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Ask Bob - April 2015

By Bob Korth - Stars & Strikes Newsmagazine

Q. I am in the beginning stages of putting together a bowling memorabilia collection. Do you have any idea's on where I might look for old bowling items?

A. I have found this to be a fun hobby and I have quite a few older bowling items myself. I got many of them from ebay. Go into the bowling section and look for bowling memorabilia. I found old high high top shoes there. I also found old wood pins, instruction books from the 50's and vintage bowling related toys. If you or anyone else is interested I have an extra pair of high top bowling shoes that would be great for anyone's collection. I also have an old all wood pin. Send me an email at [email protected] for more information.

Q. I feel that my game is going along fine except I seem to be leaving way more corner pins than I used too. Mostly more ten pins but also sevens, and nines. Is there anything I can change to cut down on the back row pins? I am right handed.

A. Leaving ten pins is a fact of bowling life. Yours is a complaint I hear over and over again from all average ranges. I believe we seem to leave more corners because with the easier house shots today we are able to hit the pocket more often and a result of that is we leave more corners. Also house shots have more oil in the center of the lane which helps us to keep the ball in play. A side effect of all this oil is the ball tends to go too long and causes a late back end reaction which causes more ten pins and weak seven pins. This also is a major cause of the pocket seven/ten split. Solid nines and fours are caused in many cases when we move right to get the ball into the dry more quickly. This is are attempt to get the weak ten out and the ball jumps a bit. Now what can be done, for the ten pins you can move to the right a board with your feet but be sure and come through the shot. If you slow down the shot the ball will overreact and you will face a possible split. You can stay in the same place and move up a few inches on the approach to purposely slow the ball down this allows the ball to start a little earlier and finish higher in the pocket. Try the method that you are most comfortable with. Doing this to get out the ten pin should help with the weak sevens and the pocket seven/ten's. The solid nine and the four pin are the opposite the ball is finishing a little early or strong. You will need a small adjustment with your feet to the left. Left handed bowlers this can help you too just move the opposite way from the right handed player.

Q. I remember back some years ago the then ABC used to print a book every year with records and stats. I have not seen one for years. It was very interesting and I would like to get one again. Do know if the USBC is still printing the book and where I might get one?

A. The USBC does still have these records and I have great news for you. You don't have to buy the book anymore. They are now online and you can check it out anytime you want. Go to the USBC web site and look for the section labeled records and stats. Everything that was in that book is in there and updated each year.

Article was posted with permission from Stars & Strikes, America's Bowling Newsmagazine.

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